FeedProfit.com Earn Revenue with your RSS Feed
I don't love it,maybe you can have a try.
If it is good,please tell me.
FeedProfit.com Earn Revenue with your RSS Feed
I don't love it,maybe you can have a try.
If it is good,please tell me.
I get this website(TickerMyFeed.com) from Google Adsecse.
There are kinds of ticker for you to choose:
I choosed one like this :
But I'm not a advanced ticker,so I can't enter my own feed to do this. they only give one free rss channel for us:
The Following Options Are Available Only With Our Advanced Ticker:
I gived up for it. If you want ,youcan try.
If you need some Feed Icons,You can click that.
In the home web, you can download three kinds of rar.file.
You can go to Feed Icons to get more knowleage about the code:
This server is like friendfeed,But the site is in beta:
In the video on the site, you can know that it looks like friendfeed.
You can click here to get a invite.
You will receive some shares from some hour ago with at least some shares.
They(http://www.rssmeme.com/) just want to Tracking popular shared stories.
Get the latest news, weather, blogs, and more delivered free to your instant messenger. There's nothing to download or install, no spam, and never any spyware.
Feed Crier « « Bookmark that link for the magic.
To subscribe to a site, provide me with your IM screen name and the URL of the site. You'll get an IM asking you to confirm your subscription. Note: AOL may not deliver the confirmation message or site update alerts unless you have the screenname feedcrier on your buddy list, so make sure and add it now.
Find More in their Blog:http://feedcrier.com/content/
Make a tag cloud from any RSS feed, then embed it in any website or blog. It is always up to date. There is no sign up; all you have to do is enter the URL for the feed. Below are some examples of what the cloud can look like, but you can use it with any style and format.
I am sorry, the url is http://www.makecloud.com/Now, you can get a free acount in friendfeed.
You can import some friends from facebook, gmail,yahoo,hotmail,aol and so on.
Also you can get some new friends in it.
Your friends's web
Your own web
To set some for your friends
(2) MailBucket - Ever wanted to forward emails to your feedreader? Enter MailBucket, a simple online app that can generate custom RSS feeds for your emails. The implementation is quite simple, first you need to create a filter in your email program and set it to forward filtered messages to XYZ@mailbucket.org. Next, open your feedreader and following feed: http://mailbucket.org/XYZ.xml (where XYZ can be anything you choose). While it may be neither convenient nor secure to forward all emails to feeds, it certainly makes sense in some cases, i.e. daily reports, newsletters etc. [All Features]
(3) TwitterFeed - I have been using Twitterfeed for sometime now and recommend it to everyone. It's a free service that can be set to track several RSS feeds and send updates to a Twitter account. If you got a blog, you may also consider setting up a separate Twitter account for your blog and 'twit' all your blog feeds so that other Twitter users can "follow" it. We have one for MUO as well, you can check it out here.
(4) Pingie (US only) - Get feed updates as SMS messages. It's absolutely free and works with any cell phone that can receive standard text messages. Nothing to install or download.
(5) FeedJournal - Here you can subscribe and convert multiple RSS feeds to an elegant printable newspaper. Just grab your favorite feeds, set preferred layout (i.e. 3- column) and generate a printable newspaper-style document. This is something that would go extremely well with news and lengthy articles.
(6) Wigitize - If you ever need to add some RSS feeds to your website, Widgitize offers a quick and simple way to do that. Unlike other similar services, Wigitize gives you a really light and plain widget that you can style yourself.
(7) ReminderFeed - Quick and simple way to schedule one-time or recurrent reminders to your feed reader. Just fill-in the reminder form, set start and end dates, and press 'create' button to generate custom feed for your reminder.
(8) TagMindr - Another tool to schedule RSS reminders. More than anything else, Tagmindr offers a simple way to remind yourself of webpages or some images you find while browsing the web. Once it's set you willl be able to easily remind yourself of a link or image that gets bookmarked in your Delicious, Twitter, Flickr or Magnolia accounts. See how it works.
(9) FeedBlendr / FeeDoor - Combine muliple RSS and Atom feeds into one. The latter also supports merging of video and audio feeds such as podcasts.
(10) FeedCrier - Receive feed updates in your chat program. Feedcrier supports AIM , MSN Messenger, Jabber and Google Talk clients.
(11) ZapTXT - ZapTXT enables you to monitor RSS feeds for specific keywords and get alerts as soon as there is a new article that includes specified keywords. Alerts can be set to be delivered to email, instant messaging program or mobile phone.
(12) SpokenText - Automatically convert RSS news feeds to speech and subscribe to them as podcasts (via iTunes). You can also download your recordings as an mp3 file.
(13) RSSMixer - This nifty tool lets you combine multiple feeds into one master feed and make it accessible via a regular feedreader, iPhone or Apple Dashboard. No-registration requied, simply enter the feeds you want to combine and click "Mix". Next you will be prompted with a page where you can chose how you want to access it.
(14) AideRSS - If you're subscribed to dozens of popular sources and are having difficulties keeping up with feeds, then AideRSS is for you. Basically, it can take your current subscription list and filter out less popular stories leaving only the BUZZ. Please note, the best way to use it would be on multiple popular sources which publish more than 10-15 stoies per day (Engadget, Gizmodo, Mashable etc.)
Thanks MakeUseOf.
Commuter Feed is a free service that lets you post reports on traffic and transit delays in your local area using Twitter.
Start saving time by making pages of feeds! What are feeds? Create unlimited pages of text, video, audio and photos to better experience the Internet and stay updated on stuff that matters. Try our search too! Best of all, it's simple. Create and Edit. That's it! Two options to rule the service. Try it!