Monday, August 27, 2007

Runstream :Treat your site to new traffic by adding RSS

How RunStream RSS Works

Once you have an account, sign in here. Now you can create your feed - each free account can create one feed.

Your feed is hosted and managed from our servers. The feed dashboard gives you full control to manage your feed and track usage and statistics. No need for you to install any software at all.

Create a Feed

Once you login you can create your RSS feed by clicking the 'Add Campaign' link in the menu.

feed wizardThe feed wizard will guide you through creating your RSS feed.

Once it has been created you will be able to hit the 'Manage Campaigns' link in the menu and here you will see this view icon to view your feed.

You can then copy the URL for your feed from the browser address bar and use it on your site to link to your RSS feed. The URL will be something like this

Add Content

From the 'Manage Campaigns' screen you can add news and articles to your feed by clicking the add article view icon.

With each article you add you can choose to publicize the article by pinging online news services.

Auto Discovery

You can also add a 'Live Bookmark' to your web site. This will allow users of Firefox and IE7 to auto discover your RSS feed and add a live bookmark to their bookmarks. It also tells online services such as Google Blog Search that your site has RSS and constantly updated content.

To achieve this you need to add this line of code to the head part of your web page (in between the tags

You will need to change the URL to your RSS feed URL.

Tag Your Articles

With each article you add you can choose to tag it with keywords. Not only does this help online services categorize your articles but it also allows you to provide multiple feeds all in one.

Normally your feed is accessed with an URL like this

If you tag an article with say food, you can then access your feed like this

This new URL will show just those articles tagged 'food'.

This is great for providing highly targeted feeds to your users.

Ps:If you have tested this service,I hope you to shere your experience for using it.Thanks.

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