Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Feed Filter, RSS Filter, XML Filter

FilterMyRSS is a simple feed filter to sort out the unwanted information from an XML or RSS feed and provide only the information which is relevant to you.

This RSS utility filter was created as an exclusive tool for gathering information to be used on my other websites. When the tool was shared with other bloggers, they strongly recommended I create a website so [they] could use. Thus FilterMyRSS was born.

The advantage with this tool is no sign-in requirements, no registration fees or feed limitations - just a simple tool that will make your life infinitely more productive and stream line.

Please note there are several ways to use the feed filter. For example, you may filter a feed based on the “description” which is the body of a feed article; the “title” text which is exactly that, the title of the feed article; or the “category” of a feed article, which is the category an author choses for the content topic (however the category is often abused). To find out more about using the RSS filter please visit the FAQ page.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried Yahoo Pipes but with over 200 source feeds the Yahoo filter only updated once or twice a day. The FilterMyRSS works as soon as new content is on a feed. Me like!