Friday, October 19, 2007

Feedity - Create RSS for ANY web page! Track web site changes in real-time.



  • Feedity provides a data syndication facility to web-based services and SMB's globally.
  • Feedity allows Web data integration with backend systems, databases, and mashups.
  • Feedity lets you can create a custom RSS web feed for any ANY webpage!
  • With Feedity you can easily track and monitor changes to your favorite web sites.

About Feedity
Feedity is an RSS generator for web pages without a web syndication format. Feedity will take virtually any web page, and convert it into a fully formed RSS document. The generated RSS is updated in near-real time.

Create RSS from ANY webpage!

Feedity aims to make it easy and possible for anyone to extract and reuse content from any website. By doing so, we hope to allow others to realize their creativity, and implement new exciting services & applications.
With Feedity you can instantly track and monitor web site changes (on a page level). Just create an RSS feed for the web page, and subscribe it in any RSS newsreader (on the web, in a desktop software, or via e-mail).
Feedity also provides for a quick and simple way to build a data mashup "pipeline" using Yahoo Pipes. Have a look at the Webpage-to-RSS pipe.
The Team
Feedity is an Internet startup founded on the belief that RSS/XML can immensely enhance data extraction over the Web as a massive database. The Feedity team is focused on providing innovative and high-quality services to internet users worldwide. In order to solidify the service and infrastructure, Feedity is seeking investment from active partners and sponsors. Please contact us if you think we can work together.

About RSS
RSS is blossoming into the de facto protocol used by many websites as the means of distributing their news and information. However, not all websites support this feature yet. The goal of Feedity is to dynamically create RSS from such webpages.

Feedity will take virtually any web page, and convert it into a fully formed RSS document.

Learn more about RSS as a layman or as a techie

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