Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blastfeed - select. sift. read


What is Blastfeed?

Blastfeed is an on-line service that lets you aggregate, remix and filter RSS feeds. And Blastfeed can immediately notify you of any results of such filtering.

Blastfeed will only collect items that match your criteria in each feed. The results will be amalgamated into a single file and sent to you by email, Instant Messaging or as a new RSS feed, when and where you want it.

To get a great overview of what RSS is and how it works, watch this 7-minute long video here.

After two months of tests, and thanks to users feedback, we have consolidated the service and added new features.

How does it work?

Blastfeed lets you create “channels” of information. A channel describes:

  • What to search for, i.e. a set of keywords defining the topic you are interested in.
  • Where to search for, i.e. in which RSS content sources these keywords will be detected.
  • How to receive results, i.e. by email, on IM, or as a RSS feed.

Just think of a channel as a blend of information, all related to your subject of interest, and captured from many sources on an on-going basis.

After signing up, Blastfeed will guide you step by step through the quick process to set up your channels of information.

Once set, Blastfeed will send results directly to you until you decide to turn off or to modify your channel.

We’ll give you a hand. You’ll be able to pick up pre-packaged channels, where you’ll just have to define what you want to look for with keywords.

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