Tuesday, October 9, 2007

FeedMarklet - Create an RSS feed instantly, then add content rapidly


Feedmarklet gives you your own RSS feed instantly, with no sign up required. Adding content to your feed is a snap- just browse the web as you normally would, and when you find something interesting, press the bookmarklet button in your browser bookmark bar to immediately add the page you are on to your feed.
Feedmarklet automatically extracts the location and title of the page that you are reading, saving you the time of entering this information into a form. If you select some text before clicking the Feedmarklet button, it will use this text for the news item's description, allowing you to add content to your RSS feed even faster.
To automate and turbo-charge your feed building experience, we also provide a bookmark button that finds every link on the page you are viewing, and adds all of them (except the ones you exclude), to your feed. You can use this tool to build huge collections links by quickly scraping them from existing pages.

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